5 Job Seeking Myths You Should Know

So, you’re thinking about applying for a job? Yes it can be daunting, where to start and whose advice to believe. There is an overload of information from what to wear in an interview, how to answer questions, questions you should be asking, things you should be doing, things you shouldn't be doing, and the list goes on and on. 


We remove the mystery to some of the biggest myths you'l come across when job seeking.


Job Myth #1 – If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen


Well no, not really. Getting a job, like many things in life, is about hard work. Proving you’re a good fit and right for the job is something you not only have to do in the job interview but also continue to do afterwards each day.


A way to ensure you do this is to research the company before an interview, but even before that it’s important to make sure you structure your CV to fit the job specifications. Use keywords that you find in the job spec sheet in your CV and give solid examples in your covering letter why your skills match what the employer is looking for.


luck when job hunting
Getting a job is not down to luck but there are things you can to help





Job Myth #2 – The more CVs you send out the more likely you’ll be called for an interview


No it's definitely not a numbers game! Sending out loads of CVs to any potential employer will actually do more harm than good. Those reading CVs can clearly tell when the CV they receive has been from a bulk email and mostly because the skills the candidate has will be different to what is required on the job spec sheet.


That’s why it's much more important to spend time tailoring your CV to every job. Yes it may prove far more time consuming but it will be worth it in the end - it's simply quality over quantity! If you’re applying to a travel company then add a line saying "I love to travel, so applying to work within the travel industry would be great." Instantly the reader will be able to tell you’ve researched the company and taken the time to update sentences and paragraphs to fit. This goes a long way to securing a job interview.


dont bulk email your CV for job interviews
Don't bulk email your CV out!


Job Myth #3 – No one will read your two-page CV


Well it depends. Employers do in fact scan through loads of CVs, so it’s important for your stronger skills and those that closely match the job to be placed high on your CV so they're immediately visible. However, if you feel that your experience warrants two pages then go for it. Don’t sell yourself short because you need to follow a rule about one-page CVs.


The longer your CV is, the more important it is to ensure its clearly structured and easy to read. Use headings and bullet points where possible and keep sentences shorter, you will have the opportunity to discuss and elaborate on these in an interview.


cv writing for a job
Don't omit important information on your CV just to make it two pages 


Job Myth #4 – A gap in your CV is terrible


Today this isn’t really frowned upon, it can sometimes mean you’re actually a more dynamic candidate. Although, it depends what you did with your break and how you can sell it to a prospective employer. It’s inevitable that some companies need to make cuts, and redundancies do happen – this isn’t a reflection on you so don’t let it knock your confidence.


Other times you might see an opportunity to spend time abroad, whether this is because you want to travel, learn a worldly language like English, or spend time volunteering in another country. If anything, this adds huge amounts of value to your CV. You will have the opportunity to gain a range of skills from independence, a new language, and worldly perspective, to tolerance and understanding of other cultures. If you decide not to travel abroad, why not take a course or workshop if you have a few weeks of free time? You can still enjoy your freedom but build more skills at the same time. 


Travel gap job
Sometimes a gap can work in your favor, especially if you spent time traveling


Job Myth #5 – Following up after an interview is seen as nagging


Not at all! In fact it’s actually really important to follow up. Maybe not immediately after as that can be seen as a bit keen but it is important at some stage to show that you liked the company and want to work there. Its not an obligation to love the company or role of every job interview you attend. As a candidate, you can be very quick to forget that you are also looking at the company and figuring out if it's a place that you would want to work.


If you left the company feeling inspired and would love to get stuck into a job like that, then why not let them know! Send an email a day or two after the interview saying you felt you would be a good fit and wanted to thank them for the opportunity. Make sure to keep it short and sweet.


make a call after a job interview
Follow up after the interview!


Have you heard about any other tips when looking for jobs that you think are better to steer clear of? Help us bust those job seeking myths. Let us know in the comments section below. 



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